Membership Roster
Central Illinois Customer Service Association Members in Springfield, Illinois
Your membership includes being able to participate in all professional development, networking, and social events. We have a number of events scheduled in the coming months and a full list has been included in this packet. Our professional development sessions allow our members to learn from nationally renowned field experts and professional speakers. Our social and networking events bring the 190+ CILCSA members, and their guests, together in one place. This allows attendees to establish, or strengthen, mutually beneficial relationships with some of Springfield’s most respected and accomplished business people. Plus…they’re just a lot of fun!
Aaron Rehberg - Capitol City Speakers Bureau
Ace Sign Co
Adam Lockwood
Andrew Bartlett - OOT Box Media
Anthology Financial Partners
Bank of Springfield
Brent Schwoerer - Engrained Brewing
Bryan Johnson - T-Mobile
Butler Funeral Homes
Carrollton Bank
Christine Bailey - Bailey Family Insurance
Christy Broccardo - Colour Republic, LLC
City of Springfield
Claire Harris - Springfield Lucky Horeshoes
Clock Tower Community Bank
Coltin Cunningham - Henson Robinson Company
Damon Priddy - State Farm Insurance
Danielle Hartman - Full Potential Career Coaching
David Swihart - Next Steps Coaching, LLC
Donna Reeves - Central Counties
Doug Ryherd - Insurance Partners Inc
Express Employment Professionals
Fred Weber - 217 Mortgage
Gloria Sheedy - Sheedy Shores
Gordon Davis - Whimsy Tea Company
Habitat for Humanity
Hickory Point Bank and Trust
Horace Mann
Illinois Bankers Association
Jamie Holt - Deb Sarseny Team
Jay Behrends - First Bankers Trust Company
Jesse Gallaher - Glass Works
John Fidler - Heartland Credit Union
Julie Davis Team
Julie Hale Miller - Country Financial Services
Kate Peters - Memorial Health Championship
Kelly Gust - HR Full Circle
Krasan Consulting – Steve Peralta
Lashonda Fitch - Connect the Dots Consuting
Lynda Kendall - Vyper Delivery
Marcia Schlicht - Growth Corp
Mark Hamilton - Premier Response
Mark Hanna - Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport
Mark Roberts - GoWeb1
Matt Waldolf - Capitol City Music
Mel O Cream
Michele Sommer - Mosquito Joe
Mikhala Jones - Country Financial Services
Mindy Beeler - Nelson's Catering
Nich Koch - Tech Guard Security
Northwestern Mutual – Audra Johnson
O'Shea Builders
Pro Bid Springfield
Rich Payne - Warren Boynton State Bank
Robert Ferriell - Capital Area Career Center
Sangamon Mass Transit District
Sara Delano-Pavlik - Delano Law
Sara Vanhala - Growth Corp
Sara Vanhala - LVE Marketing
Shelley - Tulo Springfield Sangamon Growth Alliance
SHLA/Residence Inn/SpringHill
SIU Medicine
Springfield Clinic – Kim Leistner Root
Stephanie Fuller - Iris Consulting
Tess Fyalka - Angle Coaching
Todd Smith - Todd Smith Commercial Real Estate
Tracy Dowell - Springfield Running Center
Troxell – Alysse Hewell
United Way
Zach Lewis - Illini Country Club

“Instead of focusing on the competition, focus on the customer.”
— Scott Cook

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